A shitty unbalanced battle royale game with overpriced paywalls shoved in your face.
Fortnite is just the new Minecraft, it's the shit now but will die off in 3 years and people will move on to the next trend forgetting it existed or mock people for playing it.
Do you like shitty business practices, I mean Fortnite.
A Team Fortress 2 rip-off that gets attention for no reason. About fighting husks.
I installed Fortnite, but I hate it!
A third person shooter game made by EpicGames that came out in 2017. Is known for many of its emotes often nicknamed as “fortnite dances”
“Oi wanna play fortnite.”
A game that was ruined by 11 year olds
Wanna Play Fortnite?
Nah, Lets Play Mario kart instead
kid1: dude I just got an epic victory royale in my favorite game Fortnite.
man1:im sorry buddy we are gonna have to put you down.
The reason 90% of people regain their virginity
"Hey wanna gain your virginity"
"ok..." *Gives him fortnite*