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jojo gypsy

To have no hair or no hairline.


by ariola grand February 5, 2021

Slippery Gypsy Sky

Alcoholic cocktail of ginger beer. botanical gin, lime, mint, and sometimes a lychee.

Could you please make me a slippery Gypsy Sky, boy am I thirsty!

by Skyliz March 25, 2023

grumpy gypsy

A grumpy gypsy is when you're friends think they are knowledgeable about lies you have told, mind readers, or can read ones personality, gestures or expressions- like a boss. But infact have no idea what the hell they are talking about or have any idea that infact what they believe is a lie or a good statement of you're character is completely inacurate & when you point that out.. -that they know no nothing- ie.Jon Snow... they become angry that they have 1 less gift that they truly believed they were blessed with.

Andrew was acting like a total fucking grumpy gypsy, he thinks I lied when infact i did not because i laughed at him when he mentioned it and thinks laughing is a trait of mine when i lie. #wheresmypokerface?

by the.realest. May 17, 2016

River Gypsy

A river gypsy is a person who lives on a canal boat or another kind of live-on boat.

Emma: OH did you hear about Sean?

Kirsty: Yeah! He's gone full river gypsy, divorced his wife and sold all his clothes and only wears a sock to cover his bits when he goes PoGo hunting.

by Pogoextreme August 19, 2022

TombStoned Gypsy

God's gift to Wrestletalk and GameFaqs PW. PWNS Gohan4Life, JOEKILLA, stateofmind, and Seikan on a consistant basis.

I wish I were TombStoned Gypsy.

by Ryan Mac September 14, 2003

gypsy pirate

A Gypsy Pirate is like someone who sails the seas, and belong no-where.

But originally is from India down the line, Hence Gypsy/Roma.

1:)The origins of these pirates are Gypsy/Roma.
2:)They Are Gypsy Pirates.

by Prince Roma April 22, 2016

Gypsie Sex Face

Its the face the guitarist from Cable Stealing Gypsies makes when he's playing a solo. It looks like he's having sex with his guitar

Tasha "it looks like the dude with the red guitar is about to orgasm?"

Abby "oh, that's just the gypsie sex face"

Tasha "its magical. It really takes me to another place. Maybe a rock 'n roll orgy at Keith Richards house or something"

by tamepanda June 6, 2011