When you comment on a Facebook post because you don't like what was said, and Facebook's algorithm thinks your interested in seeing more of that topic - so inundates you with posts about it.
Facebook Karma hits you in the face when you type a comment "I definitely don't agree" with regards to a post on gay marriage rights. Facebook sees your posts and starts showing you more posts about gay marriage.
The total effect of a person's actions and conduct on email and the Internet during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's email and Internet fate.
Some cruel e-karma blocked Teri from sending any emails to Jane's email address.
1. The universal causal law by which good or bad actions will be revisited upon you.
2. You ingest what you put out into the world. Good or bad.
3. Cake ingested by the soul based on the actions take in life.
Marie's wishes well to those who take the time to help others. To those being dicks...she wishes they choke on karma cake.
A form of internalized social anxiety that sharing content will result in embarrassment, whether because the content does not receive enough appreciation, or fear they will not have enough clout to influence.
I would share that link, but I don't want to engage in karma culture.
When you asked your friend to suck on sand, while you break your ankle on a hurdle made by Wuhan, China
DUUDEEE!! This idiot just frikin KARMA ANKLED his pants when he was taking a sheet in front of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
A morally questionable act that in no way harms, insults or humiliates anyone... as long as nobody sees/hears said act
At first i felt bad for flipping off the blind child, but my therapist said it was "karma neutral" since no one else saw me