A proper lad is more then a friend, more then a wing man and more then a brother. He is The Proper Lad.
Emil - "yo dude, I'm having some issues and i wanna talk to this girl but i don't know how."
Cam/prober lad - "ay man don't worry I'm gonna help you try cop you this girl"
a person whose too posh to be considered cool
Aww look at him what a snazzy lad
English for...
1. a horrible, skeffing, mank, who rekons they are the shit, when in actual fact they are nothing more than just a peice of shit.
2.a male charver (or chav as you southerners might say)
3.a way to greet male or butch females in a friendly manner (as long as they are your mates, if not prepare to be pounded on)
1. you are a fucking rank billy lad mate!
2. ere mate look at the billy lad ower there with his fuckin tinnies! why aye man!
3. areet billy lad, long time nee see. you areet like hew?
1👍 2👎
Where u buy a brain licker and start to suck on it slowly but sexy and with prestigious manner.
Or you love big cum ridden cock
Aw that kid is such a brain licking lad
He is a little lad that does the berries and cream dance. Berries and cream berries and cream im a little lad who loves berries and cream. He is a little lad.
The little lad likes berries and cream.
A game where a group of boys gain points for sex,
1 points for normal sex.
2 points for getting oral sex,
3 points for anal.
Bob: "Think im winnin at lads points now, I got anal last night, and head from this chick!!! 5 points!!!!! I got 27 now!"
Jack: "ahh your still beatin me!"