Not full of bullshit or stuff like that. Protip: The exact opposite of mean or stupid...
Bro0: ayy dawg.
Bro1: what up dawg?
Bro0: nahh I'm lean. Thanks ;)
Lean is the most supporting and helping friend you can find. He is kind and funny but sometimes pretty childish, even though he is pretty clever. If you have a Lean in your life, keep him. He is worth it.
Look at him, he's such a good friend. I wish I had a Lean in my life too.
Lean is so friendly. He's amazing
lean is pronounced as (liyan) not lin or leh-ann
lean has so much rizz
yes lean is a girl species
she is a girl boss
her favorite sentence is "je vuex te frapper avec un poisson)
lean is so cool
lean is the master rizzer
A type of sandwich, usually made with sprite, dish soap and purpl coolaid.
Mistah What: Jesser les make some "lean".
Jedse: ya already know.
A type of juice the tattood ear pierced skinny gangbangers drink that make them cool
Big Boy Barry: Yo, fresh, whats that in ur fridge?
Lil Fresh: Thats some lean
Big Boy Barry: Lemme have sum bro
Big Boy Barry: Aye thats some good leaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan nigga
A purple drink that contains codeine and it makes you sexy. Commonly used by Ye.