A word used to describe a Ryan.
Damn look at that lesbian lizard over there.
He got a nice ass.
Lizard Lines are the random lines written on a whiteboard that can be turned into a lizard by adding more lines. These lizard drawings typically turn out really weird, but are noticeably a lizard. Any and all lines can technically be considered lizard lines.
I'm bored, give me some lizard lines.
“Mum, that’s a dinosaur not a lizard”.
“No, that’s a history lizard “.
A small capsule used for recreational purposes, leaving the user licking their eyebrows.
The people at 954 use lizard caps, a new drug and lick their eyebrows.
A alcoholic beverage, one part medium to top shelf vodka, 3 parts energy drink. Preferably Redbull. Commonly drank by drunken bicyclists in the southeast region of Iowa. Sometimes served with a splash of cranberry juice. This variation is Called a Solid.
Holy shit, it's day 3 of Ragbrai and I've only had 4hrs of sleep. Better start the day with a lizard juice.
A shot mixed with vodka, blue snapps, and the bartenders pee.
Danny went and ordered a blue lizard and got fucked up.
Refers to the act of giving up, or throwing in the towel. This phrase is typically used when responding to social invitations.
Man 1: "Hey man, do you want to study tonight at the library"
Man 2: "Nah, I've studied all day, I think I'm just going to hang the lizard on this one"