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Sleep on me

When you don't get the attention you deserve.

I really like Josie but she's sleep on me.

by GeeMoney100 October 2, 2016

47πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

humor me

Going along with something that seems stupid or pointless for the sake of the other person.

Perhaps agreeing with someone just to keep them happy.

Person 1: Dude, come check out my totally awesome ninja pencil!

Person 2: Yeah..... no thanks...

Person 1: Naw, come on...humor me!

by jakegyllenhaal,marryme? February 15, 2012

451πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

Don’t @ me

A phrase used when you say a factual statement that you know the swines who view your feed wont agree with

I maybe 5’9 and never picked up a ball in my life but I think I’m the best basketball player since magic Johnson, don’t @ me

by Idontgetnudes7 March 13, 2018

109πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Inbox me

A person who is too stupid to use the word 'email' or 'message' and simply refers to the folder the message arrives in, rather than the method of transportation.

If you see or hear someone use this phrase, it is best to remove all technology from that persons zone of influence and prevent them from using it again. Cutting off their fingers is extreme but may well be acceptable for the good of humanity as a whole.

"If you know this guy please inbox me." "I'd rather troll you first if that's ok? And link Urban Spoon whilst I'm at it"

by 0s1r1s February 10, 2015

109πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Fucks Me

Alternative way of saying "Beats me". Basically, it means "I don't know".

Person A: Where are my keys?
Person B: Fucks me.

by Xeno The Cowardly Prince June 20, 2010

79πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Spank Me

I’ve been very NAUGHTY, I NEED you to SPANK ME!

Put the Hand-Cuffs on Me. Pull My Pants and Panties Down. Pull Me across Your
Knees, Secure Me In Place, Lock Your Leg
Around Me. Grab that Big Old Wooden

Bath Brush, and paddle Me , very Hard

And very long because I Deserve It! Start
With HARD Slow Strikes, getting HARDER AND FASTER IN FLURRIES.. just to see Me
Dance..Set My ASS On FIRE. Don’t Stop before You Have Me Squirming and Wiggling and Begging You to Stop, Feet KICKING, PLEADING For MERCY, Telling You how SORRY I AM.. Crying REAL TEARS!
You Continue with Several More Sets of Flurries About Twenty in s Set Sixty or So.
You Announce that Part One is Over Now,
Go Stand in the Corner for Ten Minutes..
Part Two will begin Then.. and Your getting another Fifty bent over the Couch,
This Time with the LONG TAWSE!!

I’ve been very NAUGHTY, I NEED you to SPANK ME!

by Well Punished October 21, 2019

224πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Check me

When a girl asks another girl to subtly look at her pants to make sure she isn't bleeding through them during her period.

Girl on period- "Check me!"

Friend of girl- "You're good!"

by Cat7593 May 25, 2010

176πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž