Sorry, we couldn’t find: a scenario of you getting a girlfriend
A person who hates you and lies to you about it. Secretly hopes you die and kinda wants to do it herself. Also she a bitch. But also a thot, and hoe, also a glad daddy
Yo she is terribly sorry to me, i fuck dat bih
a term over used by a group of semi gay males who call themselves "the bears"
"hey what's the answer to number one?" "nope sorry."
"hey can i have a cracker?" "nope sorry."
A saying used for conveying your mind was wandering and not present during a conversation. Refers to the imagery location know as “Australia”, created by NASA’s Meta Earth Department (MED).
Person 1: “So when performing the light experiment, make sure both holes are aligned parallel to- hey, are you even listening?”
Person 2: “Oh sorry my mind was in “Australia””
Person 1: “Oh yeah, created for NASA’s round world theorem, to bad there’s no evidence showing it’s really round.”
Person 2: “Or that “Australia” even exists.”
Something little mix say when they aren’t actually sorry
Leigh Anne pinnock: I don’t like flies...sorry bout it
A phrase to use when you see someone who is trying to show off their masculinity to a group of girls or people
- Dan H (to a group of girls) “I do 4 a levels which includes further maths”
- Alfie “oooo sorry beast”