Verbal describing someone who is passive aggressive
I left a few expired yoghurts in the fridge over the week and some pas-agg made some laminated tombstones and a sign outing me for leading these young yoghurts to their death.
I’ll get my own pas-agg back though , I’ll start hiding yoghurt all over office!!!
(annunciation - pu-pahwh)
when guys with shotguns start hunting people because they're hungry
"I'm gonna get me some POO-PA!-."
Thanking your homie for something
Adriann: Congrats on the new car
Jon: Yea thanks pa
Adriann: not gay
A former gitam student with very unzipping nature, a person who always wants to get naked or get nude with full of sexual desire
She got pa-van the other night, don't get pa-van in public for god's sake!
Another name for testicles, said by only the cool people who watch videos like "OMG Shoes!"
Oh boy! Look at those pa-testicles!
A sexy person with a big thing and big personality.