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Lil Peep Day

A day where you listen to Lil peep, and vibe with your friends.

“Bro it’s November 1st

Isn’t that National Lil Peep Day?”

by Tyler Fucking Monfre October 29, 2020

murder club peeps

very crazy but all have meaning. there is the smart one, dumb ones the one that it just a bundle of joy the two that are a couple then there is the very small and flexible one and there is a getaway driver.

person 1 :yo look, those murder club peeps are so cool, i wish i was as close as them

person 2: yo same bro

by murder club peeps May 26, 2022

Peep the notch

"Peep the notch" is the vaguer derivative of phrases like "peep the gram" or "peep twitter", in which you use to inform people to check out your most recent post on any of your social media accounts. This version of the phrase was popularized by Canadian body builder, @joeys.physique.

Joey: "Peep the notch man!"

by YaBoyDaniel November 27, 2017


Penis, phallus

I have a peep-dee-leep in my poop-dee-loop. (Please see poop-dee-loop)

by BearBunny February 22, 2023

Peep Yourself

the act of killing yourself

Dude make sure you watch the road when you drive, you don't wanna wreck and Peep yourself.
Man i cant believe what happened to Jimmy...he peeped himself.

by ynotporomo October 26, 2018

Leaf Peeping

Leaf Peeping is when a small filipino boy is kidnapped in celebration of the fall season

I went leaf peeping with rick, he has a big van.

by DmzbeatzSy8085 August 3, 2020

Peeping Punk Bitch Coward Crew

A crew in North County San Diego that consists of cowards named Peeping Ethan, Peeping Dan, Peeping Christopher, Peeping Mark, to name a few that stalk you, terrorize you, and follow you everywhere claiming they are untouchable. They don't respect anyone's privacy, They are the biggest posers ever due to the fact they want you to believe they know everyone you do, and try and convince you that those people are all talking shit about you so you will get in fights with your friends and family as well as claiming to be anyone that would make you become their bitch so they can just command you around to do crazy shit so they can sit back and watch your social life go downhill for their own entertainment. Truly they really are just a bunch of worthless losers with nothing else to do to but talk shit to you from afar. The are such cowards that they wont even talk shit to your face. They fly drones with FLIR and peeping tom technology. They have no interest in anything other than creeping on people and causing chaos in peoples lives for their own sick pleasure. Completing their sick personalities are narcissism, sociopath behavior, and paranoid schizophrenic tendencies.

Me: I cant even take a shit or shower without the Peeping Punk Bitch Coward Crew stalking and peeping on me, what should I do?
You: Don't worry they will eventually screw themselves over and get caught cause they are so reckless due to the fact they think they are untouchable.

by Anti-Stalker April 22, 2020