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Meeting Place Express

A website used to join corportate people into massive orgys through the power of the Internet. Often conference rooms are turned into fucking grounds as they stream live video to other corporate individuals doing the same.

I cant wait to go to work. Were having a Meeting Place Express party.

by Jakob Theliar January 11, 2011

Providence Place Mall

A mall located in Providence Rhode Island where there is at least one death a month and three stabbing a a week. They aren’t classy enough for guns. White toddlers try to join gangs by stealing toys from the build a bear workshop and contemplate jumping off the balcony to avoid the don’t give a shit security. You can often find the escalators not working and a man charging $50 to clean the bottom of your shoes.

Person 1: Hey did you hear about that stabbing at the providence place mall?

Person 2: No but I’m not surprised.

by PandaEdge November 1, 2021

kent place

kent place school is a non religious school filled with a bunch of ugly oak knoll wannabe sluts. they think they are so privileged with their college campus looking grounds but in reality are just the oak knoll rejects (oak knoll school costs more). they claim delbarton is their brother school when it’s well known that their name is not even mentioned at delbarton. now oak knoll isn’t their sister school neither but their name is at least mentioned more than their actual sister school, villa walsh. kent place school seems to think that they are better in every way mostly including sports but explain why oak knoll has beat you guys every sports game throughout high school (middle school doesn’t count). they’re known to host the worst dances that oak knoll is gratefully invited to but just use them to get some delbarton dick. everyone knows that delbarton only goes to kent place dances to see some hot ass oak knoll bitches. now obviously no hate towards kent place but they suck. not dick..! but they suck.

hey u go to kent place? ohhh u must’ve been rejected from that school with hot ass bitches. that explains why you’re so gah damn ugly. what’s the school called again.. oak knoll?

by delbarton men hmu September 6, 2022

Christian market Place

A Platform Connecting Sellers and Buyers with a Focus in offering Quality Services and Products through excellence by @prabhukrupakar .

Christian market place

by Prabhu November 25, 2021

dip up to the dudes place

(homosexuals) going to my boyfriends house

i'll talk to you later because i'm getting an urge to dip up to the dudes place.

by Mr.Pressureinthepooper August 9, 2008

all the blood went to the wrong places

a man’s penis becomes erect when he didn’t want it to

he had to leave before anyone saw. all the blood went to the wrong places

by pinkyoshi420 June 12, 2022

Fire In The Fire Place

To light ones dick on fire and insert it into a woman's extremities

"Man let's put a dick on fire and insert it into a woman's extremities "

"Oh, you mean a fire in the fire place"

by WeinerSchnitzelThe3rd December 11, 2022