The girl of your dreams. The type of person that can brighten up your day no matter what. She has a personality that makes you never want to leave her side. She is the most loving person you will ever meet. She loves intimacy and enjoys attention from who she’s in a relationship with her. She is loyal to anyone she befriends and always puts others before herself. She doesn’t care about your status or what you have; she cares about who you are as a person. She is beautiful, funny, And irresistibly sexy. She is as close as you're ever going to get to finding the perfect person, so if you have her in your life, appreciate her, treat her right, and do not let her go. Otherwise, you’ll spend the rest of your life regretting that you lost her.
Adrianna r. Is the girl of your dreams.
Short for the TV show ''Rick and Morty''
bruh that new r&m episode is fuckin' insane
Type of Zonda, the R stands for racing. The zonda was the flagship and only model produced by high end super car production company Pagani, this was up untill 2011, when the "huyar" (or something) was announced. The Zonda R has a six sped transmission, an AMG V12 under the bonnet, and is not road legal. Get yours today for the low price of 2.6 million dollars!
Wow your Zonda R is fast!
It makes you look 50 percent more attractive (wink)!
R$K Stands for "Real Street KillaZz
A gang that began in rome, Ga
They have a reputation for violence
And HEAVY drug use
R$K is a relatively new gang
With a mix of all races
Aye bruh you dont wanna mess with him he's R$K
A masterpiece comprised of bad memes, reposts, sad shit, and actually suffer worthy content
I have aids because of r/makemesuffer.
The literal personification of soyjacks
reddit atheist: yo, I browse r/atheism daily, I have opened my eyes!!!
normal atheist or religious person: get the fuck out of my home