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Sad Boner

1. when a situation is so sad and unhappy, it represents a sad semi-flaccid erection.
2. the act of having a sad, semi-flaccid erection

Example One:

Bro1: -texts bro2- Wanna go get some chinese?
Bro2: -responds- Can't, gotta work til midnight.
Bro1: Sad boner

Example Two:

Girlfriend: I don't think you should come stay over tonight, It's that time of the month
-Boyfriend, having an actual sad boner, responds "Sad boner"-

by Dr. Sawarms August 1, 2013

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sad tits

Women's boobs that could be tied in an actual titty twister because they resemble tube socks filled with wet sand.

I was having a great time at your mom's house until she whipped me half to death with her sad tits.

by EZD May 1, 2015

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Sad sap

A pathetic loser. Someone who always brings a room down and is generally negative in disposition.

Doug is such a sad sap. He has no where to go and is lonely

by JazzyFUK May 27, 2020

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nwh sadness

The pure depression you feel after watching Spider-Man no way home. When all you can think about is how aunt may dies and how nobody remembers Peter therefore resulting in him being lonely.

β€˜I just finished watching Spider-Man no way home and I think I’m suffering from nwh sadness’

by imobsessedwithyousobad January 4, 2022

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A part of speech that can be prefixed, suffixed or infixed to any word in order to emphasise the level of pathetic being described. For example, it can be used to diss computer games, eg. World of Sadcraft, Call of Sadness. Or, it can be incorporated into someone's name: Have you seen Sadathan (Jonathan) or Sadtricia (Patricia) lately?

Dude 1: You're such a bad skater, you should give it up
Dude 2: I know - I totally failed on my sadboard yesterday

by Silversword May 11, 2011

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sad mexican

1. A Mexican who is sad after spending his cinco de mayo mowing lawns instead of drinking tequila with his amigos.

"Friend 1: Hey isn't it cinco de mayo?
Friend 2: Yeah Why?
Friend 1: Well because over there I see a sad mexican.
Friend 2: He must have been mowing all day instead of drinking tequila with his amigos."

by Trujuan Xavier May 21, 2014

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sad facin'

To look sad/ be sad

Man Ashley is such a bummer. She's always bring my buzz down cuz she's always sad facin'.

by .braZZy. September 5, 2010

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