An annoying weeb that looks at hentai. Usually, Sammy is used for a word of offense because of how much of a weeb sammy is
Hey look at that guy over there he’s such a sammy
sammy is a cat being choken by a banana.
was banned for breaking up
hi i am sammy person smile emote, pepehands
A very fine guy, who is funny, cool, and nice. He's a great person to hang with, he makes you happy when you're sad. He has a nice smile and body
Cute- 8/10
Attractive- 9.5/10
Funny - 8/10
Online- 8/10
Insult skills-7/10
Voice- 7.5/10
Best friend (s)- kenny, zabrang
Hates most: kenny
Crush: Omasan, Zabrang
Type: Everyone's favorite
Sammy is such a Sammy
My name is sammy, and I'm a pretty cool person
"Sammy is is my bestie"-My friend