A complete waste of time.
A system for education that still uses methods from the Industrial Revolution to make hard-working, mindless, apparatchiks (People with no independent thoughts). Teaches information that at least 80% of them will never be used. Stays in the past and tortures students by making them work harder than an adult who works part-time, by spending their mornings for no practical reason and giving them more work for the afternoon so they get ready for the next, boring day.
The old people who rule schools think in the past and are afraid of computers. They don't really allow fun, they want every student to be successful in selected subjects that won't help them with life and are okay with seeing people lose the best years of their life. The teachers, on the other hand, some of them hope for a better future and do nothing to change it, others are proud of leading youngsters to nowhere, and other exceptions like to help students have fun and enjoy life while learning the useless preset things they were assigned to teach.
School also doesn't help children find their passion. In fact, as the school was made almost 300 years ago, without really wanting to do so, prevents them from being original and doing what they love. As school wants us to remember what useless thing we should have learned during the morning, it prevents us from doing freely what makes them happy and calm.
School won't really help you. Trust me.
School is technically the reincarnation of Hell and is a place where kids waste seven hours of shit and other stuff, and the school is technically fucking prison, and school isn't even necessary until shitty college! Fuck school.
School is shit. But homework is worse.
A place you go to for education for at least 9 years. The teachers suck. The people suck. Last lunch sucks ( because food and living). The work sucks. And the curriculum sucks. Once you leave the h-e- l-l hold you will than work for the rest of your life, or be completely useless.
Jim: School is so stupid I want to kill myself.
Ronald: The teachers suck!
School is basically like a labor camp that was used during the Holocaust. First of all, The teachers always have to act like Nazis to all the children. Second, the time to go to school is unfair. If one is supposed to go to school at 7 AM, that is harsh. Kids need sleep in order to function properly and if you're not going to let them have their sleep, then you are a big fucking FAGGOT. Third, if there is some sort of fight going on, the two kids who are fighting can't even fight right. All they do is they hit each other like little girls and then the teacher walks over and divides the two up. From there, you're already wasting everyone's fucking time by fighting someone and making it want everyone to watch. Fourth, during passing time when everyone has to go to their next class, there always has to be that big group of kids on their phones just standing in the middle of the hall. What's also stupid is that they never even try to move. "Just get off your phone and get to class. " the teacher would say. Then everyone would be happy. Fifth, in some schools, the coaches don't even try to make everyone feel like they have a purpose to be in this world. If they had some sort of reward system like "Student of the Week", they would always practically pick the fucking popular kids. Give the kids who aren't popular a chance!!! End of Definition
1. hell on earth
2. more boring than anything.
I'm going to take a gun to school to shoot Danny!