Simp-A man that puts himself in a subservient/submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table.
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a simp is someone who is chasing some irrelevant pussy and is brown nosing that bitch 24/7. A simp puts his sub par lady over the boys 9/10 times for nothing but a cuddle sesh. Simps are fake depressed dweebs that will do absolutely anything to get mediocre pussy, such as: buy her gifts, shower her with compliments, taking her shopping, constantly wondering what she is up to, wanting to attend her sports games. (If she or it even plays one) Simps have became a popular trend on tik tok in the past couple weeks and this is necessary to spread the word of what the SIMP is.
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Speaking to a female, in any way shape or form is simping
"simp simp simp simp simp simp simp"
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The straight equivalent of faggot
Calling a straight man a simp is SUPER OFFENSIVE, like calling a gay man a faggot
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En person som gjør alt/ sier seg enig i alt for å komme på god siden av den personen.
Som regel en gutt som prøver å komme på en jente sin side i håpet om å få noe tilbake i gjengjeld
Se på han Erlend da!
Han har prøvd å komme seg inni buksa til hu der Emilie i snart 2,5 år, for en jævla simp assa, lol
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