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A term often used by the MJ Lounge. The term is used loosely to describe a beezy that is disliked by the general population.

"Your a Snitch!"
"This is a Snitch Coat!"
"I am going to go fuck a snitch!"
"It's me snitches!"
"I hate this homework it has snitch problems!"

by Jack Reiger February 15, 2008


A snitch is a asshole normally your sibling that tells on every little thing you day and is a very pain in the ass!

Your such a Snitch I hate you!!!

by Some middle schooler July 2, 2019


A regular citizen who reports seeing a crime isn't a "snitch" or a "rat"
The criminals were just sloppy
Snitches and rats are not the same thing
Let me break it down to make sure y'all see what I mean
A "snitch" is someone minding other folks' business
To find information they can sell for a price
Or trade for some other form of compensation
A "rat" is a traitor, a conceiver, planner or physical participator
He doesn't sell secrets for power or cash
He betrays the trust of his team or his family
Hoping to save his own cowardly ass
The difference is, at least a snitch is human
But a rat is a fuckin' rat, period

dont snitch or you a bitch

by big man 22211155 September 20, 2022


The only time you can beat someone up without going to jail

Cool kid: -steals car-
Cool kid: -beats the kid-
Cops: why man why
Cool kid: he snitched on me
Cops: Okay so your free to go

by You ass at fortnite January 18, 2022


Someone who informs one who enforces rules, codes of conduct, laws etc. about another who's broken any of the above.

He snitched to the boss bout his boy slippin'.

by Lxver Bxy May 7, 2020


The fucking dumbass ppl no one should talk to

Ayyeee u know Taylor she went and told on jerry for snitching

by bye felisha September 22, 2015


A fucking pussy bitch who has no regard for his or her “friends” and will go out of their way to make bullshit up to put others down.

“Yo mooda you are a pussy ass bitch

Oh shit.... he’s a snitch!”

by fuckmooda November 26, 2019