A very funny store name that is for a store next to a dam. Not overused in the slightest
“I’m going to the dam store.”
“Oh, I get it. Because it’s on a dam which also sounds like the word damn, so they made a very original pun while naming that store.”
An antique store where people are trying to sell their old garbage they don't want anymore; factually everything being sold has been drained of all value.
Jon: That is a nice clock you got there David.
David: Thanks we picked it up at the garbage store last week.
The best gas station and pizza in the mid-west! Best gas station food for everyone!
Casey’s General Store
A thrift store can go beyond clothes...
Thrift stores can help the whole community
a second hand store that sell clothing
ay bro lets go to a thrift store
Yaa les go they got all the heat
1. A One-sided hatred towards a person or fandom caused by exposure to "cringe" and drama and refusal to do further research
2. A person, group or piece that can cause a one-sided hatred towards a person or fandom
His hatred towards furries is a Store Window as he watches cringe compilations
A one-sided hatred for a fandom, usually done through exposure of "cringe" or drama. Named after how stores show a limited range of products through their front window.
His hatred towards furries is a Store Window, he only watches cringe compilations.