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Bathtub Wasted

The condition of being so intoxicated (well over the standard tipsy, buzzed, inebriated, or even plastered state) that it will be a miracle if you live to see the next day.

The term was thought up as a result of the 2004 incident when An unidentified Taiwanese woman (dumb betch) died of alcohol intoxication after immersion for 12 hours in a bathtub filled with 40% ethanol (brilliant). Her blood alcohol content was 1.35% (which qualified her as being bathtub wasted).

That betch consumed so much alcohol she was nearly bathtub wasted.

I'm tryina get beyond blackout tonight, let's get bathtub wasted.

by TheKittyKat June 4, 2012

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waste of pixels

A waste of time

Half the photographs on Facebook are a waste of pixels

by Kermit1954 October 18, 2010

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Waste of meat

β€œWaste of meat” is an insult especially used when trying to call someone dumb. This goes well with you dumb pigeon, you absolute imbecile, and you retarded bot.

Person 1: how do u write β€œyeet”
Person 2: you dumb imbecile, you absolute retard, dumb Pigeon, waste of meat. Oh my god!

by REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE >o< September 24, 2019

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Wasting Nutella

The worst possible thing you could do EVER in the history of ever

Jim was just wasting nutella! LETS KICK HIS ASS

by krayzey March 28, 2012

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Copy And Waste

1-Taking bunch of correct opinions and slapping them together so poorly that even they become wrong

2-When someone takes 1 or more persons' opinion on a topic and slaps it as if they were the owner. But since they are incapable of having something of their own, they fuck up even that and they just copy and waste that opinion as well.

A: So here is my ...
B: No, this is just you copy and wasting all these opinions you have stuffed into this one essay without giving any thought of how does a person give their own opinion while being informative.

Wow this is such a Copy and Waste that, it makes me want to create new word just to be able to express how much you managed to degrade all these resources by piling them together like a 5 day old pizza.

by Victorian andy April 30, 2020

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Play Wasting

When you keep asking someone to play a game or a game which is not on screens but they don’t want to and you just keep instisting and instisting

Stop Play Wasting Let’s not play your game play mine etcetera etcetera...

by ZiggyAugust November 5, 2019

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wasted potential

sea mechanic from the cw show β€œThe 100”

man, sea mechanic really was wasted potential. they would’ve been so cute together.

by the one that got away July 30, 2019

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