Cams is a English gypsy word for money.
For example
Tracy -alright john you got any cams so I can go down the offy (off licence) and get a pack of six ?
John- no Tracy girl u still ow me a 50!
Has a big slong packin heat he gets any female he wants and finest in the friend group
Cam is Daddy
Can is so fucking hot and has sex with 4 year old girls all the time. even though he is 25 he also fucks his teachers and has a HUGE DICK and can double penetrate anyone even boys with curly hair because he loves them and girls and is rerally horny
A cam is a person that you can always trust they are always so supportive and are there for you they make you fall in love so quick they always complement you even when you’re down
“whos that??”
“thats cam ___ s/o”
“man i wish i had a cam”
The most amazing, talented, sweet, adorable, dorky person you’ll ever meet. She is my bestfriend, and i wouldn’t change her for the world. i love her so so so much, and she is my very hot wife 😏👍 mwah mwah kis kis <3
A really weird ass girl that loves justin bieber and has the brain as a 2yr old
Wow that girl over there is such a cam
i wish i could explain how much you meant to me. i really did love you so much. you broke my heart and completely ripped me apart. the things you put me through still play on my mind constantly till this day and even tho your a dick and my first heart break a part off me is scared to admit that i still love you. ❣️
cam is someone who will treat you right at first but don’t be fooled because it won’t last x