Source Code

5 To 3 Scale

A scale used to amaze and confuse stoners and otherwise slow people.

Person 1: Dude, on a 5 to 3 scale, how high are you right now?

Person 2: .....WHAT?!

by 5to3 July 24, 2011

4154๐Ÿ‘ 3278๐Ÿ‘Ž

scale of 1 to 10

/n/ a scale used to rate the physical attractiveness of chicks with 1 being ugly and 10 being perfect. Occasionally extremely ugly girls can receive negative ratings.

Bob: I hooked up with this really hot chick last night
Steve: really? how hot was she? scale of 1 to 10?
Bob: I'd rate her an 8
Steve: Nice man!

Bill: who's this chick that Mike's going out with? I hear she isn't that good looking
Joe: yeah, I've met her, she's pretty ugly
Bill: Scale of 1 to 10?
Joe: Dude, the scale doesn't go that low, I think I'd rate her a -5

by rusf October 11, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

caucasian grading scale

Contrary to the Asian Grading Scale, the Caucasian Grading Scale is more leniant.

A = Awesome. You're doing fantastic.
B = Beastly. You're doing great.
C = Cool. You're doing well.
D = Dandy. You're doing good.
F = Fine. You're doing okay.

Lisa: Oh, bro, I just got a B on that Biology final...I forgot to study!

Joanna: Hey, bro, whaddaya mean? Haven't you heard of the caucasian grading scale? That's beastly!

by Leesuhh November 3, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

steak scale

a system for rating the ladies, where rare is hot and well done is dirty.

nasty, shes so well done dude

by Alex June 27, 2004

1๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

scale dick

When a womans vaginal secretions dry on a man's dick, giving it a flakey, scaley appearance

Man, stay away from her, she will give you a bad case of {scale dick!)

by Trapper McAlpine August 8, 2009

1๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

dibs-scribs scale

A variation of dibs. A girl referred to as "dibs" is usually very attractive, and a "scribs" is usually very unattractive. In extreme cases of "scribs", the term "GOO!" is used. This scale, originating at Vanderbilt University, was created to distinguish between "dibs" called to refer to hot girls and "dibs" called sarcastically to make others look at someone they otherwise wouldn't. Also related: dibs-scribs continuum (the hazy scale between the two)

M1: Total dibs on her!
M2: Are you kidding? She's a complete goo!
M3: Damn, she's so bad she ain't even on the dibs-scribs scale!

by Sarcastic Drew January 12, 2008

21๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mexican Name Scale

The scale used to determine the coolness of Mexicans, based on last name.

10: Rodriguez--coolest of the cool, BAMF

9: Moreno--very BA

8: Hernandez-- really awesome guy

7: Ramirez--pretty cool

6: Castillo--cool but not BAMFy at all

5: Flores--nice person

4: Mendoza--decent but not good

3: Castro--a bit asanine

2: Sanchez--semi-dumb, could be smelly

1: Gomez--what an idiot!

If your last name is Rodriguez, congratulations!
Moreno's pretty cool. I'd hate to be Gomez! That dweeb.
With the Mexican Name Scale, it's a lot easier for me to tell who's hot and who's not.

by Wentzahol May 29, 2012

16๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž