guy 1 "holy jew on a stick!"
guy 2 "ya mean jesus christ?"
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jigga-jew some one of mixed black and jewish ancestry
"man lenny kravits is such a jigga-jew"
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A faggot who pisses everyone off and is known to be a low life fuck
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That nook is Jew-Tight.
Or my boyfriend won't pay for anything he is Jew-Tight
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When 6 guys are involved in a circle jerk, but instead of a circle, they jerk off in the form of a star of david
Jim: Hey we're going to do a Jew Jerk in the floor lounge. Want to Join?
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Those affiliated with Jewish culture through long term association. Employment, marriage, friendship or otherwise.
"I've worked at a Jewish Deli for three years, that makes me an honorary Jew."
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new city, ny where the jews reign supreme...theyt come from rich families, live in big houses, and their wardrobe consistest of UGLY ASS types of leggings, barmitzvah sweatshirts, and abercrombie, they spend their summers away and camp. They think they are beeter than everyone else when in fact everyone hates them..they suck dick...they are the reason south kids hate north. Oh and it mainly refers to the north part of new city, there are some cool parts where normal people live but htey most likely go to south, spme to north but they gotta to help make north not full of bitchy japs
Kid one: "Yo you wanna go hang out in jew city tonight? Tylers dad just bought him a jacuzie, a new car, and a waterslide"
Kid 2: "oh shit reallly? why? what did he have to do to deserve that?"
Kid 1: He said thank you after his dad gave him 100 dollars"
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