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Twitter Orgy

The act of creating a mob on Twitter by tagging a multiple people in a post. The purposes of a Twitter Orgy is typically to get those tagged to respond to your post.

It is akin to a person IRL muttering to themselves loudly in public with the hopes of people hearing them and engaging with them.

It is a cheap form of attempting to engage people.

@Mary was looking for people to gang up on @Steve, so she started a Twitter Orgy and tagged half of the school in her post about him.

by Amsterdam74 February 15, 2019

twitter prison

When Cheryl's fans go crazy by tweeting #MTVEMA #NominateCheryl to vote for her EMA, so we get out in twitter jail/prison for a period of time. Dedication = consequences, but do us all a favour, go and tweet it for us, thankyall

Soldier 1 : hey can you tweet extra I'm in twitter jail

Soldier 2 : will do haha
Soldier 3 : me too I'm in twitter prison aswell

by CherylFan September 13, 2014

crash Twitter

(v) to do something really awesome or noteworthy. References the fact that anything really big happens (season premiers of TV shows, celebrity deaths, political action), Twitter crashes. Can be used sarcastically.

The same-day death of Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett managed to crash Twitter all damn day.

(sarcastically) Well, Dave, you're good in bed, but it's not like you're gonna crash Twitter or anything.

by berthablue August 11, 2009

twitter fail

a tweet that is so stupid that all of your followers have no choice but to reply with insult and possibly unfollow you

tweet:1% milk is DOPE
Reply:stfu why do i follow you?
Reply2: yeah what a twitter fail

by knicksboy58 October 8, 2011

Twitter Failure

1.) A term for someone who rarely ever Tweets on their Twitter account.
2.) Some who has had a Twitter for over a year & has yet to pass 500 tweets.

Sam: @randomname has been on Twitter for a while & has only Tweeted 25 times.

Jill: @randomname is a total Twitter Failure!

by MissCin101 June 12, 2011

Instagramization of Twitter

This simply means the act of spamming Twitter timeline with personal pictures and short descriptive captions like Instagram as opposed to posting concise text information and seldomly add pictures to give more information in the tweet.

Most teenagers joining Twitter these days engage in instagramization of Twitter

by Rothmas January 22, 2020


Pitching a fit on Twitter.

The President pitched another Twitter-fit this morning.

by Preacher-Man December 21, 2018