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bloodie bloo

when a person has a big butt, they have a BLOODIE BLOO

SO, you go uop to some one and yell "BLOODIE BLOO"


by BLOODIE BLOOER December 17, 2015

Bloody Chowder

A female who is on her period and had has a chunky ass yeast infection.

“Bro when I went down on her she had a bloody chowder.”

by MadDawgRawDawg October 7, 2018

Bloody He-

When a British person was about to cus right before something was disturbed

Batman: destroyed the drone

Penguin: AAAAAHHH, Bloody He-

btw this is a reference from Batman: The Telltale Series

by on October 10, 2020

bloody brown

A1C Brown discharging a brown lumpy substance from the penis after sex with Frazier

Bro that bloody brown was amazing

by Jahns johnson July 29, 2014

bloody fufo

A bloody fufo can be described as a bloody fucking fool usually the response for being called a bloody wanker

Ugh divine is such a bloody fufo

by Its.tkay August 14, 2018

Bloody Mary

When a woman named specifically Mary is on her period and gets out her scissors while you’re on top of her and gives you an “Impromptu Sexy Circumcision”.

Aw man now I’ve got aids because she gave me a Bloody Mary”
“Dude that sucks, she did that to me too!”

by Rigidsteel2 April 28, 2020

Bloody Mary

When she's fresh off her period so you sound her tampon/pad before taking part in sexual intercourse.

Dude, Sally is fresh off her period, so she let me give her a Bloody Mary in celebration!

by Jayzona9 March 1, 2018