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Fruit Grenading

The act of throwing fruits into people's windows, usually at night.

A banana enters from the window and crashes a vase.
Dad: What the fuck was that???
Kid: Dad, they're fruit grenading again...

by FruitGrenader July 19, 2010

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feral fruit

A feral fruit is a person who came out as queer recently and usually later in life. Their crave for gay experiences is wild and unstoppable.
In order to satiate their inner thirst for queer experiences, they might jump into opportunities, make bad decisions or put a huge effort to do something that may provide those experiences to them.

the term created by Amelia (ameliadashrose on tiktok)

Queer 1: Sarah started to date this girl who is a walking red flag.
Queer 2: Oh, Sarah is a feral fruit, the best we could do as good friends is advise and be there for her if anything happens.

by morganseastar February 19, 2023

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Fruit Flannel

A name for a womans vagina

I saw her fruit flannel when she bent over.

by Andy Pinny November 8, 2006

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Miracle fruit

A man's testicles

It was amazing, she sucked on my miracle fruit

by DraculaSneezeFTW November 29, 2010

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Fruit of the Boom

A terrorist tactic that employs explosive components stuffed in his/her undies.

Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, a wanna-be Al-Quaeda terrorist, tried to bring down a plane using the Fruit of the Boom. His attempt was thwarted by some heroic passengers.

by SuperAgentTarheel December 30, 2010

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fruit basket

Naked man shoves his penis back behind his legs and between his balls.

My best friend walked in his dad's room and his dad gave him a fruit basket.

by condoms.com July 30, 2003

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fruit picker

A straight man who occasionally seeks out gay men for homosexual flings.

That guy over there is not one of the regular gay customers: he's a fruit picker who trolls this bar once every few months.

by witchdoc October 1, 2013

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