The high tech academy which has pretty good teachers, it specializes in being a STEM school and has the most drama. As nicknamed by the North Ridgeville Academic Center "Gay school" We are mostly straight white kids who have a high IQ and are planning on the most wacky futures ever
Person 1: Lets get to class so we can Scamper up a spandacular plan!
Person 2: Hoorayaby dodilytootily!
Person 1: Ranger high tech academy teaches me about tech and helps with learning stem!
The speediest member of the superhero group; The Phantom Rangers.
Blue Matt Ranger was one of the final members to join the elite force of the Phantom Rangers.
With his quick speed he was hastily approved to be a shining member.
the Blue Phantom Ranger is usually stereotyped as the brains of the group, but Blue Matt Ranger is far from it!
PRR: "Blue Matt Ranger...It's Phantom Time!!"
BMR: "Correct!!"
A unit of measurement originating at the Philmont Scout Ranch defined as precisely the distance between you and your destination. Originates from the common Ranger practice of responding to any crew's questions about distance between two points with "about a mile," regardless of how long the actual distance may be.
Scout: "How far from here to Baldy Mountain?"
Ranger: "About a mile."
Scout: "A real mile or a Ranger Mile?"
Ranger: "About a mile."
A sack of potatoes that can’t do shit in the actual season. But when they do good and make it to the playoffs motherfucking Nelson Cruz comes in and olae the shit out of the ball and we choke and lose to the head ass cardinals
The Texas rangers suck dick!!
The sexiest man to ever live.
Damn you look like a texas ranger.
A memedroid user. He cries if his memes are rejected. He cries so much he puts a new term to cry baby
How long has Texas ranger been crying for, a year?