The fear of becoming/acting like Bella Thorne.
Bro, I'm scared I'm going to end up like Bella Thorne
Dude, you got Bella thobia
Being paticualry clumsy or saying 'ahh' and 'umm' more then is necessary. Originates from the clumsey stuttering mess that is Bella Swan in the Twilight Saga.
Person 1: "Did you see Serena today? She fall down the stairs!"
Person 2: "I know, she was being such a Bella"
Person 1: "I just- ummm- I- *gasp*- I need- ahhhh"
Person 2: "Stop being a Bella and just spit it out"
literal definition of little body big heart. Best actor ever and steals the hearts of everyone they meet.
“did you see bella ramsey in the last of us?”
“yeah i heard they’re gonna be in TIME season 2! i have the biggest crush on bella ramsey”
The best looking lesbian couple I've ever seen. No one can compete with these people. Most people don't accept these types of relationships but there is one awesome and sexy black dude a.k.a the counselor that understands and keeps them together.
You see bella and katie over there? I think Katie is the dominant person.
Makenzie and bella are true best friends. People hate their friendship because they are jealous of it. People always try to get in the way of their friendship but always fails. Bella was really shy until she met kenzie and now she is the most outgoing person. Makenzie was semi-shy but is a very outgoing person now. They get in trouble a lot but bella usually gets in the most, teachers usually hate bella and say that bella is a bad influence on makenzie. Even with everyone hating bella and makenzies friendship they are closer then any friendship and will stick together through thick and thin
girl- who are they?
other girl- oh that’s makenzie and bella
girl- they look so much alike
other girl- that’s because they are basically the same person but from different moms
lily is the most swag person in the universe. she is super hot and nice and funny and she's gonna be a celebrity someday. she has two really cute dogs and she has a dope taste in music. she is very nice, but it is easy to get on her bad list. don't mess with lily.
An actual meme lord. Super funny, and has awesome siblings. Bella is smart, but doesn't bother with school, so they procrastinate but it's ok they get A's. Probably does another language, and most likely has 50+ friends. If you are ever called Bella or hella bella it is the best compliment ever awarded.
Person 1: Woah, who's that? They're so good at cheerleading!
Person 2: She's so tall and funny! She's hella bella. I bet that's Bella Stratford.
Bella: *looks over and is hit in the face by a cheerleader in a bear costume*
Person 1:
Person 2:
Person 1 & 2: *Run as fast as they can away from the angry bella*