When you pour Koolaid into a condom, freeze it and then use it as a dildo
My uncle can shove three Koolaid Blades up his anus at once
Someone who sticks out more than everyone else. You don’t want to be this person when the lawnmower is coming towards you.
Don’t be that tall blade of grass in jail running your mouth off.
When you are having a conversation with someone that continuously charges the topic to avoid the conversation.
Person 1: So please provide some evidence that can only work on a Flat Earth and wouldn't work on Globe Earth.
Person 2: ...You don't know what Dark Matter is!
Person 1: Talking to you is like a mad dog shitting razor blades! I'm out
A term used in Overwatch to describe the use of Genji’s Ultimate ability with no damage boost abilities (EX: Mercy’s DMG boost, Ana’s Nano Boost)
Josh: “I’m gonna have to dry blade now”
Sarah: “What, why?”
Josh: “Ana nanoed Mercy..”