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Bean Boots

A loyal companion. Can be handed down from one generation to the next. A pair of boots that can go through hell for you and come back more than fine. Stylish and practical have a healthy marriage and can be rocked with jeans and khakis at college or taken to Adirondacks for some solid hiking. Seem to have a somewhat prep feel these days but honestly anyone can rock them

"Hey are those Bean boots?!"

" Hell yea they used to be my dad's. Good timing too seeing as their becoming popular now"

by Damascus747 November 12, 2013

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Boot tan

When you go hiking and only tan the area of leg above your hiking boots and/or socks, leaving half your calves and both your feet incredibly pale, while the rest of your leg is dark brown. Very unnatractive. Often noticable on th legs of teenagers doing their Duke of Edinburgh.

Georgie, Ashley and Sophia came back from DOE with hideous boot tan, then had to wear posh dresses the next for a picnic. Everyone laughed at them and their boot tans.

by yakuzakitty July 19, 2009

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Chain Booting

The act of sniffing poppers (Amyl Nitrate - a drug favoured among the Gayers) from the shoe of a child's toy, e.g. Barbie, in a group, whereby the shoe is passed from Chain Booter to Chain Booter. Not to be confused with Arse Booting, which is a practice favoured among the Gayers. Also known as "getting on the shoe train". This act is in no way at all gay!

"Fancy coming round tonight for a few beers and a bit of Chain Booting?"

by I Am Mumbles May 16, 2008

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Suited and booted

Dressed smartly

"... the chairman was wearing a suit and tie and Elaine was suited and booted in a dress, heels, the whole nine yards."

by Norbix9 December 11, 2018

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A boot in the freezer

A saying for any object your parents, grandparents, ect. might find after you've thrown a massive party and think your in the clear.

We had a party a few years ago where we got busted for having the party a week later when my grandma found a pair of boots in the freezer.

"Man someone left a bag of Doritos under my parents bed"

"Totally a boot in the freezer"

by Ray Charles in a Maze November 23, 2011

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Boot Canal

When pretentious mother fuckers get dental work done. So you stand outside the dentist office and double dropkick their stupid, bitch ass faces as they exit the doors.

"Fucking Chad was getting his teeth fixed so I boot canaled his dumb face and he can suck it."

by BobJones69fuckyou January 20, 2019

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boots and bangles

someone or something giving A LOT;
a lot of emotion, a lot of yes, or a lot of no.
someone or something that is extra.
(can be used as good or bad)

Chris: yooo did you see LaQuayQuay at the club last night?

Lis: dat bitch was annoying is cell... drunk and acting stupid.. screamin' n shyt... came in there BOOTS AND BANGLES. I was like HELL NO.

by clmilette January 8, 2012

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