(1) Also known as C.O.D.. A series of first-person shooting video games that are famous for their multiplayer mode which mainly consists of angry, foul-mouthed five-year-olds that shouldn't even be cursing or playing the game at all at their young age.
(2) The belief that something should be done because it is your duty to do so. Hence the term "call of duty."
(2) Everyone respected him as he went above and beyond the call of duty.
A gaming platform where you get called a gay bitch constantly and get killed by 3 year olds
"lets go play battlefield 4 because call of duty is pissing me off with the squeakers"
A late night summons, often made by telephone to arrange for clandestine mind altering liaison through the use of marijuana on an ad hoc basis, or when you happen to be out of pot.
Dude, I was gonna go to bed early but Daryl dooby called me and I ended up smoking until 5am.
When math geeks could experience a deeper relationship with mathematics’s most beloved constant, as they delight in her presence, who is more than willing to reveal more of her numerical or geometric secrets to those who seek her with all their heart, mind, and soul.
Like Jesus, Pi calling. Why not enjoy peace in her transcendental presence?
8👍 13👎
To call someone who can get you a digging job or other landscape/gardening work quickly, especially from craigslist.
ex: "Hey we need an extra $500 by the end of the month." "Shit dude, call Carlitos."
When you are unsure of what the outcome will be of taking an action, so you let someone else go first.
Also known as calling an aldrin or aldrinning
Guy: "Bro. This beef jerky says it expired 3 months ago, but it's probably still good. Want some?"
Other guy: "Umm... Imma call an aldrin. You eat some first."