Shit, The Cult of Our Lord and Saviour Pepe is at my house, better hide the gay porn
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a phrase that sounded philosophical to me in my head and has no meaning
cool cat 420: there are no rules in our cult besides the ones we make
cool cat 69: LMAO NOPE!
3👍 1👎
Cuss= Profanity, personality, sexuality, explicit, bold, emotion, conflict, demand.
Dumb= ignorance, incompetence, contradictory, human, condition, humility, funny.
Cult= religion, story-telling, belief, comradery, narratives, false narratives, perspectives, leaders, followers, god, country, nation, family, corporation, data.
Shirt= fashion, art, design, status, vision, streetwear, material.
aka: custom cultured ... + shwag
"Yow Koral! Listening to you and Ceppy on the 'Cuss Dumb Cult Shirt' podcast reeaallllyyy made me flip thee switch. Now I lead my life custom cultured baby. I'm a sheshy n****"
"Tina told the whole 7th grade class i was a dumb bih. One wednesday I just stood up ion the tables of the cafeteria and yelled 'Naw fam. Im a CUSS dumb bih!'"
#customized #cussdumbiced
A group of bitches, typically in a school, who pick on random, weak, introverted males for no reason given. Charismatic in a way just to bring more members.
Henry: Who are those bitches chasing me?
Chris: Because that "Cult of Cunt" has seen you as their 'chosen one'!
The Jesus Boob Cult is a place where fags share trauma and a love of phoebe Bridgers while drinking Jesus’s period blood and eating his boobs. The JBC is very selective of its members and will only allow the gayest of the fags and the gayest of the straights to participate in its rituals.
Person one: are you in the Jesus Boob Cult????
Person two: yes but I’m not supposed to tell anyone
Person one: WHAT how did you get accepted, I’ve been trying to get in for months!
The rising religion of mouldy cheese, our religion focuses on memes, spaztic teenagers such as ourselves and of course, cheese.
The mouldy cheese cult has previously stolen a rusty spoon.
Only the BEST podcast ever, featuring The Thrill, Young Don, and Astro Dior. New episodes monday and thursday.
Me: Have you seen the newest episode of This is Not a Cult podcast?
Person: Nah
Me: Are you crazy!?