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dance of death

Iron Maiden 2003 studio album release


1 - Wildest Dreams
2 - Rainmaker
3 - No More Lies
4 - Montsegur
5 - Dance Of Death
6 - Gates Of Tommorow
7 - New Frontier
8 - Paschendale
9 - Face In The Sand
10 - Age Of Innocence
11 - Journeyman

Dance Of Death is good

by Junglemanchild January 26, 2005

47๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Minister of Death

One who prays for war.

"If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training, you will be a weapon. You will be a minister of death praying for war. But until that day you are pukes. You are the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human, fucking beings."-Gunnery Sergeant Hartman:

by n00b f00 October 4, 2005

67๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

death metal

Death Metal is a form of music evolved from thrash metal in the 1980s. The band Death popularized the name with the song "Death by Metal" (as well as their own name). The song by Possessed also gave the entire genre a debated name credibility which is still disputed to this day.

Death Metal is catergorized by its gutteral growling vocals, thickened guitar tones with sometimes heavy distortion properties, and blast beats which can range from a normal to very fast speed. The vocals and drumming are the pure tell-all of a death metal band, the gutteral bellows are began in the stomach yet shaped with the throat to raise and lower the pitch of the music in general, while the drumming is blast beat and dependant (mainly) upon the bass drums. Independant variables to be added to the mix are amounts of groove, morbidity, technicallity, and speed.

Death Metal itself has evolved slowly through the years, ranging from the olden days (Deicide, Death, and Morbid Angel) to the now modernized sounds of Death Metal, (Vital Remains, Cryptopsy, and Hate Eternal) and even now to the more "Brutal" scene of Death Metal (Deeds of Flesh, Severed Savior and Beheaded). Death Metal also has grown roots into the Grindcore scene and evolved many Death/Grind bands, evolved into Gore Metal, and numerous other forms of music.

Slayer is not a Death Metal band. They are a thrash metal band. Cannibal Corpse are not a Gore Metal band. They are a Death Metal band.

by Anthony September 29, 2003

187๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death of Nintendo

Something which has not yet happend.
The NES sold about 60 million copies and the SNES sold about 50 million. By the 32/64 bit period in gaming the whole number of the market increased. The Nintendo 64 got beaten by the PSX sold over 90 million copies and the 64 sold about 32 million copies. 32 million console sales still brings in alot of money though. Nintendo's latest home console is the gamecube which has so far sold almost 20 million copies, very similar sales to microsoft's Xbox. The PS2 beat them both with over 100 mllion sales though.
Nintendo's game boy handheld console realeased in 1989 is the highest selling console of all time and sold over 150 million consoles internationally. The game boy colour sold over 1 million units in Australia alone and worldwide sold more copies then the 64. The game boy advance and gba sp sold roughly 50 million systems world wide. Nintendo's newly realeased Nintendo DS has so far beaten the PSP's sales but the PSP was realeased alot later, so the PSP may take over eventually.
Nintendo's next console to compete with the PS3 and Xbox 360 will be called the Nintendo Revolution.
The truth is, Nintendo's games aren't aimed at kids but for all ages and people who would like to play a fun game, regardless of how much violence it has. (Which is often turned down by Sony Fanboys, 9 year old casual gamers.)
Nintendo say they cherish their hardcore gamers but want to increase the total gaming population. But making a revolutionary system and drawing in casual gamers are two completly different things. Though we can not yet say for sure if the rev will be any good, if it is good it may still die (It's happend before.)
Even if Nintendo's Revolution fails, they currently still own most of the handheld market, and if that failed they could always become a software only company.

Death of Nintendo... an unlikly future event.

by Marbarian August 26, 2005

58๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Creeping Death

The best fucking Metallica song ever. Its off Ride the Lightning!
The bridge is unlike any other in metal.

Die! By my hand! I creep across the land! Killing first born Man! Motherfucker Die! By my hand! I creep across the land! Killing first born man!
-Creeping Death

by ConnortheCanadien March 10, 2011

27๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Blunt

Death Blunt refers to an almighty marijuana cigar that is sure to put you on your ass. The recipe for success includes one cigar or cigarillo of your choice, one gram of the finest sticky icky money can buy, one gram of marijuana oils or ear wax, one gram of kief, and one gram of the finest coldwater hash. Mix that all in and roll it up. Should last a while and you'll be soo stoned.

"Yo Cory rolled up a death blunt last night and I forgot my name I was so high!"

"Fuck my life, let's roll up a death blunt."

marijuana joint weed blunt chronic sticky icky hash oils kief hash

by C-Dub 117 February 5, 2010

26๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

ego death

The perceived loss of boundaries between self and environment

a possible effect of LSD, special K, shrooms, and mescaline among others

My ego death completely changed my life.

by Sourbs March 15, 2007

568๐Ÿ‘ 161๐Ÿ‘Ž