the prolonged look on a woman's face while waiting for her facial, characterized by rapid blinking of the eyelids
The advertisements in the back of the porno magazine is filled with sperm-a-faces
Shameless, no social etiquette
1. Ella just filled her to go box before others have had a chance to get their first serving. What a thick face!
2. Ella just stuck her fork in my food and took it while asking ‘can I try some? Thick-faced bitch!
A facial expression identifiable from across the room, that only occurs when one is thinking about, talking to, or talking about someone they really like. An uncontrollable shy smile and grinning eyes.
Often occurs when one receives a text from someone they really like.
"Neil must have texted Kasey again, she has googly face."
(Benjamin) Franklin/ Franco Faces - American Slang, commonly used by 90's rappers. Refers to a U.S. 100$ bill, making reference to the face of Benjamin Franklin which can be seen on one of these bills.
"Pop open the brief cases, nothing but Franklin Faces."
An insult implying someone/something has a vagina for a face.
Timmy: hey, Vaj Face!
Jimmy: ouch..
The facial structure that a certain lower socioeconomic group of people tend to genetically pass throughout their pack.
Traits include: Prominent pointed chin or vanishing chin, high cheek bones, thin lips and wide-set eyes
Reference: Gretchen Wilson and most Mountain folk
Example of Proper Usage: That's really unfortunate. She's sweet but has such trailer face, bless her heart.
The face you send to someone when you don't know or don't give a damn. Consists of 11 characters; some of them are Japanese.
When unsure:
Person 1: Where are my keys?
Person 2: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (shrug face)
When being rude:
Person 1: My boyfriend just broke up with me!
Person 2: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Person 1: Rude.