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get a pair

An insult designed to get someone to show some courage. It is given in a direct and coarse manner, that men, but women and men too, can relate to. Also used when describing someone else.

"You need to get a pair and show that you're in charge."

Or, "you need to grow a pair."

Or, "he needs to get a pair and make a decision."

by Wayfarers December 6, 2007

31๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get A Drop

When someone gives you the information where another mf is at a specific time, so you can hit a lick or kill him.

Mfs especially use the thots of these mfs to get a drop on em. They buy em shoes or somethin so they tell em where their mf is at a specific time.

Jerome: Aye shawty imma buy u some shoes if you tell me where ur mf is tomorrow at 6pm

Thot: Ight, imma call u then

Next day at 6pm *Shawty calls Jerome*

Thot: Aye he chillin at mcdonalds down tha street

Jerome: Ight

*Jerome killed that mf*

(He get a drop)

by Cuteface Double E March 22, 2021

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get along

To have a good relationship with someone.

We don't get along very well after our last fight.

We got along immediately.

I can't invite John for the party cause he doesn't get along with the girls.

by OEtilista April 15, 2019

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

get bent

Telling someone to fuck off or go fuck themselves.

That '70s Show characters telling each other to get bent when they're pissed at each other.
Hyde: get bent!

by justine d January 1, 2006

1840๐Ÿ‘ 488๐Ÿ‘Ž

get over it

Most people think the phrase "get over it" means to "forget

about it." If I were to forget about something in life then I would bash my head wild open with a big glass of bottle wine to erase my memory so that way I can't look back.

When we say "get over it" we are saying "Don't let the past ruin your life" or "Stop living in the past and stick with the current event."

Friend: My ancestors were the victims of Halocaust

Me: That was the past, get over it.

Friend: But I don't wanna forget about it.

Me: No, I meant don't let the past screw up your life.

by PepsiMonday December 18, 2010

380๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get a life

Phrase used by insecure xenophobes as a response to someone with different hobbies, interests or attitudes to themselves. These people often think they have a lot of friends, but usually nobody really cares for them.

"You are intelligent, have a high-paid job and a good future? Get a life!"

"You don't like the same things as me? Get a life!"

by John Q Moron December 8, 2003

1525๐Ÿ‘ 401๐Ÿ‘Ž

get served

To be completely owned or shown up by someone.

Grilled Cheese: "Check this shot out. MONEY!" (bricks it)
Dudd Diggles: "I've seen you put up so many bricks today that for awhile I couldn't tell if you were trying to play basketball or undertaking a major construction project."
Tony: "OOOOOH, you just got served!"
Grilled Cheese: "No I didn't, I just got unlucky."
Moseph: "Bitch, you got served harder than a tennis ball hit by Pete Sampras."
Dudd Diggles: "Yeah, you just got served more than the daily special at a diner. Bitch."

by Nick D May 23, 2004

161๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž