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your granny a tranny

one the most lethal jokes of all time. Only time usable as comeback when being flamed in public.

random guy "Your fit is garbage my guy are those New Balance?" You "Your granny a tranny."

by datboikai223 November 2, 2020

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Granny Gift Wrap

A granny wrapped gift or pressent is a pressent that is almost impossibe to open due to it being coated in scotch tape. The only way to unwrap a 'granny gift wrap' is to hack at it with scissors until you are able to get your fingers in, and rip it open.

A Granny Gift Wrap is an inaccessable gift due to excessive use of scellotape!

by Cookie-Dude-123 December 24, 2008

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your bald headed granny

instead of the un-so popular your mom insult.

person one- yer mom!
person two- yer DAD!
person one- yeah?!
person two- YEAH!
person one- well, your bald headed granny!!
person two- ooooh, burnnn.

by Kotton Kopter March 17, 2008

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bitch ass nanny granny

someone who is very cenile but at a young age. a real titty baby

geesh todd....eat the fucking pie and quit being a bitch ass nanny granny

by psychotoxic May 16, 2011

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ur granny tranny x2

This statement is used in an argument to absolutely DESTROY the opponent. It means your grandma is transgender, allowing you to destroy the opponent and win the argument/battle.

Stranger 1: Ur mom gay lol

Stranger 2: Well ur granny tranny x2

Stranger 1: *dies*

by Urmomdoublegaylol September 17, 2018

Joe Bald Headed Granny

It’s basically Joe Mama but on steroids. As in, that weird song…

Joe mama, Joe daddy, Joe bald headed granny, she mean, she lame, she needs some booty cream!

by koiboi2 May 18, 2022

grannys tea towel holder

your asshole

by Clive October 8, 2003

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