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T-rex Helicopter Spinning Blowjob

a sexual act in which a woman dresses in a T-rex costume and places herself on the spinning blades of a helicopter. the helicopter then does a flip dive so that the woman is upside down and she can insert the mans penis into her mouth as she spins

damn she gave me the best t-rex helicopter spinning blowjob after her kindergarten graduation

by Big Dick Uncle Joe November 1, 2022

1👍 1👎

Spawn of helicopters exhaust

Spawn of helicopters relates to gender neutral fluid that's being gargled by a disabled grandmother mermaid whore who also has a fetish for sausages of the richmond variety

I love a mouthful of slimy spawn of helicopters exhaust when I'm sooty & sweeping your dad

by Tumblingtumbleweeds November 9, 2019

AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter

The best goddamn helicopter there is to live, literally.

AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopters are cool.

by mr man the science man April 26, 2023

on a helicopter

To be sick or under the weather

Man are you on a helicopter right now? Feel better!

by JordanAP February 3, 2019

Helicopter nose

A guy whose nose snores like the sound of a helicopter while sleeping.

Last night, I could not sleep because of my roommate's helicopter nose.

by deimos-dread January 9, 2020