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Inverse Hitler

When you grow an entire beard and moustache but shave a small rectangle out from your upper lip.

Dante: "dude did you see Jeremy did the inverse Hitler?"

Sally: "hells yeah man it's some awesome facial hair!"

by Kosh Jeller November 2, 2017

inverted Hitler

A mustache with only the philtrum shaved.

Gomez Adams trims his mustache into an inverted Hitler.

by kungfumelissa October 17, 2017

Hitler's Balls

Hitler killed himself during WWII when Germany was surrounded. When his body was found, it was confirmed he only had one ball. To this day, we still don't know where that one testicle went.

History Teacher: Then after D-Day, when the Allies surrounded Germany, Hitler's body was found in a ditch after he killed himself.

Student: Um, you forgot to mention he was found with only one ball. You know, Hitler's balls.

by Seashelp July 26, 2016

Touché Hitler

When you get called out for doing something questionable by someone doing something just as bad, if not worse.

Dalton: *litters*

Guy driving by in his truck blowing black smoke into the air: "what an asshole"

Dalton: "Touché Hitler"

by NutsBreath December 12, 2020

Hitlers moustache

A powerful piece of facial hair that will capture an audience and force them to vote for you in an election

If trump had a hitlers moustache he would destroy Hillary in this election

by Nathanbae and Harambae August 31, 2016

Hitler beam

Beam of Hitler killer of the Jewish including Anna frank

Pikachu use hitler beam

by JamaicanBread November 18, 2022

The Hitlers Bunker

A hybrid sex move that consists of a Dirty Sanchez immediately followed by a Dutch Oven. The victim/lover may now emerge from the bunker with their stylish Hitler 'stache.

My wife asked if we could get tickets to the next Dane Cook stand-up special. Instead, I gave her The Hitlers Bunker and told her it was time we see other people.

by Its science January 17, 2016