it's when you play a song like a million times, like it's so good you can't/couldn't stop listening to it..
it can be platinum on your android/iPhone too like it doesn't matter you get the concept
superbass went platinum on my ipod when i was in middle school
xtuna stan: la fuerza by xtina went platinum !!!
another person: on your android bitch
They bring sex to ur ears!
the shuffle is gay though... NEVER put it on shuffle >.>
boy: wat??
Girl: I jst got ear raped by my ipod.
Example 2
Girl: *clicking next button* gay. gay. lame. stupid. gay. lame. lame. old. ARGHHHHHHH WTF YOU DUMB SHUFFLE?!!! PICK GOOD SONGS!!! >.<
Wait you still use iPods? I think everyone knows that the Zune is the best music player, dumbass.
Hey Frank I have an iPod!
Fuck you Jim the Zune is better.
What the old kids have, people who have this are considered oldies.
You have an iPod, wow your not invited to our party.
a device the size of your palm that can hold music all day and all night. It can also play audiobooks. It's also very customizable in software and hardware.
Person 1: Hey what's that you're listening music from?
Person 2: It's my iPod
Person 1: What?! these are super old and stupid! Listen from ur phone
Person 2: No, shut up! iPods are rad. Too rad for you to understand.
Something that hasn’t been hyped since 2010
iPod touch is mostly dead