When a guy is buck naked and bone hard, and obviously ready to engage in some erotic activities. Being properly (un)dressed and sexually stimulated for solo play or with a parter of any persuasion.
By the time she came to bed I was already buck and bone.
We were talking of what to do next. He gestured toward the shower and we were both buck and bone in a matter of seconds.
I had no place to go and no one to see. I was already buck and bone so I did some edging for an hour.
v. The act of being assaulted by a creepy person. Most often a taxi driver.
"AHH! The cab driver kept asking me if I had an alarm system in my apartment! I was so scared I was going to get bone collected!"
A person that is unable to swim but still sends it
"Bryce are you coming into the water?"
"Idk man I think I'm gonna z-bone"
The action of one who gets fucked in the ear.
Hey Jack, get that dog away from your head before you get ear boned.
The penis. Generally, those of a fat, girthy and lengthy type.
She tried but couldn’t take all my choke bone.
My choke bone had her gagging and slobbering.
Love the way it sounds when she’s necking down all my choke bone.
to have a sexual encounter with someone for the first time
Girrrlll, I am so sick of his same whack ass sex game.
Yeah, after 4 years, you need some new bone!!
Dude, my shit wont even get hard anymore when im fucking Stacey.
Man- fuck that stank you need a new bone!!
tucking your boner into your waistband, it needs to sleep
homie 1: "yeah I need to bed the bone, it's been up all day."
homie 2: "go to a fucking doctor"