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Complains about how fat she is even though she’s built like the stick I fought lions with back in the jungle.

I don’t like the amount of chub on my body But it’s fine cus I’ll just run till I die cus I’m isabella

by ayo12samuel May 3, 2020


Isabellais a weird and corny person to be around, but it doesn't matter what she is talking about cuz it will still be funny and entertaining. she is a goofball and laughs at everything.dont be fooled she is very smart and knows how to lie very well. she can make conversation with almost anyone. she is like a disco ball she lights up the room and everyone wants to be around her she is like the life of the party. if you know an Isabella don't let her go because she is the best person you will ever meet.

Isabella is the best person you will ever meet she is so bright and makes funny jokes that will make you turn red in laughter

by the true queen June 5, 2019


she’s. a. bitch. , vsco. girl. and a psychopath.

isabella stalks , skskksks an i oop- , and she hits a lot

by colbybrockfan:) October 18, 2019


An isabella is a amazing kind caring wonderful person and she yea so yea

Isabella is amazing

by Ballsy walsy August 17, 2022


isabella is a beautiful person she smells nice she’s loving caring for the right people and is a very hard lover but isabella has been through some things she can open up but only to some people isabella if she loves you enough could be the best person to be around but once you do something to her that will hurt her she will hate you forever and kill you she’s will find your family forever and isabella only loved 1 boy and they fell apart through some issues but that heart brake drove her into being a playa

omg isabella is so cute i wish i was her

by babyedot June 10, 2022


Isabella is very sweet and nice sometimes she will hide her problems to comfort you. If you ever date an Isabella, she might send a lot of pictures of herself, and she can really like anime and start talking about her interests a lot. She can sometimes be clingy, and she sometimes can smile a lot but then when she's at her lowest she still tries being there for you. If you break her heart, she will try understanding but she will cry her heart out because she loves you so much.

Cooper: Have you seen Isabella

Max: Yeah, she's so hot!

by I find uncommon names May 11, 2022


The best most person in the world and a very pretty girl. :)

Isabella I think your the best most person in the world and a very pretty girl. :)

by Isabella’s January 12, 2021