I'm a faggot and I try to be a lone wolf but I suck
You're THE Idiotic lone wolf
Yeah, he was a tech guy or something, right? Some kind of engineer.
Hym "Can't get into the lone shooter's phone, huh? Welp... It's nail in the coffin or bust guys. Who's it going to be? I'm not going to submit to your God or whatever and I'm not going to prioritize women who aren't fucking me over me. So... What's it going to be? Pretty easy lay-up for either of you."
I am Mark Schlissel and I am lonely. P.S What is we miss out connection and get stuck in Paris…
lonely can be used with definitions like no one around or no sibling so on and so on. But my definition is; a feeling. being lonely isn't necessarily when no one is around it's more where... you feel like no one cares or no one will ever understand. In my experience, it is one of the worst feelings, and if you are feeling lonely just remember people do care! you just have to let someone know.
Even in the crowded streets, she still felt lonely.
you already know the definition to this one, don’t you? lonely? yeah you definitely know what it is. your feeling it right now. you have nobody. just like a lot of people. it will get better 😀
lonely = feeling like you have nobody in your life to truly be yourself around or talk to.