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He's a gay midget who's ugly and fat he will suck ur Nan's toes cos he's poor and lives in a cardboard box. Oh and I forgot to mention he's a saddo loner

Ur so annoying and gay no one likes u jump of a bridge u migdet max

by Dghdheh October 3, 2019

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a retarded retard that’s wears retarded cologne. he sucks dick and chews the tips off, free circumsision. if max is attracted to a girl her name has to be very feminine with a masculine nickname like, sam. he also is a rich play-boy that totally played two gays and a female by the name of all sam.

person one: max circumsized me and now i’m leaking jizz

by blobfishalberto July 18, 2019

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A guy who is just there.

I hate max

by Crystal Wolf May 27, 2019

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Max is one of the funniest people you've ever met. He's always cracking jokes around anyone at all times. He's a joker but he has a feminine side to him as well and likes to keep in touch with it. He can be annoying at times but overall a great guy

(Math class)
Guy: Uh, Max this girl came up to me toda-
Max: knock knock,
Guy: who's there?
Max: doctor

Guy: doctor who

Max& guy:🀣🀣🀣🀣

by xXKaWaIiKoAlAXx November 4, 2020

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He is the largest asshole ever and has a micro Dick

You are a max!!

by Dinogamer786_YT November 29, 2018

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The biggest asshole in the universe Dont come across him he has a micro small dick

Hey You are a max

by Dinogamer786_YT November 29, 2018

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Max rages over fortnite when he loses

You are such a max

by Nibba345 November 27, 2018

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