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Bus Stop

Synonyme urbaine de vol (commetre un vol, cambrioler)

Yo Antony, on bus stop l'iPhone de Julie?
Je me suis faite bus stop.

by 514mtl_man November 9, 2017

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1. to acknowledge that you agree with someone

2. to appreciate someone

Yancy: Did you see Brent with that girl the other day?
Kevin: Na. Sure didn't.
Yancy: Well...that dude on da bus!

Carl hit his first homerun, he on da bus now.

by claybourn December 31, 2008

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

The Short Bus

The Short Bus is the bus you see people with special needs riding on. Sometimes referred to as β€˜The Sunshine Bus’.

β€œMy brother rides on the short bus, he’s got severe autism.”

by ratboii June 9, 2018

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Struggle Bus

Used to metaphorically describe a difficult situation, as in hard schoolwork.

The word struggle can also be used in conjunction with other modes of transport, describing the depth to which one is struggling(i.e. struggle scooter, struggle skateboard, struggle footwear).

Student: "Y'all, I have 6 papers and 4 tests within the next 2 weeks. Definitely on that struggle bus!"

by VADyme April 16, 2009

1097πŸ‘ 885πŸ‘Ž

cheese bus

Used when something is shocking. Would be used in the same context as Jesus! In fact that is where it originated from:
Jesus->Jeebus->Cheese Bus. Also sometimes used like: Bus made entirely out of cheese!

Jane: Oh my gosh, look at that gigantic tidal wave headed right for us!

John: Cheese Bus!

by Joe Snikeris November 3, 2005

64πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

Band Bus

Transportation for bored band geeks who have to slave away for the school that they attend and a place where boredom is cured by many activities ranging from singing stupid songs with the drumline to playing countless games of truth-or-dare that ruin a persons year and the innocence that they once had.

Tuba Player: Dude, the band bus is going to be fun tonight!
Baritone Player: As long as I don't have to see that guy put his face in that other guy's crotch or see fat people in green sparkly thongs.

by Aguyonmlia March 4, 2010

27πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Bus Driver

The act of delivering an epic uppercut to an unexpecting female adversary.

The girl on the cleaveland bus got Bus Drivered

by Wrngwitu October 23, 2012

23πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž