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farm boy

farm boy is some one who lives on a farm and breeds chickens for a bit of money

farm boy :hey daniel can we go on the trampoline


farm boy: hey can i have that shed to store me chickens in it?

by specane April 27, 2006

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Bird Farm

slang term for Aircraft Carrier, mostly used by Marines.

US Navy have the most bird farm of all the nations and can go anywhere anytime!

by MasturbAZN November 10, 2009

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llama farming

This phrase comes from calling lots of drama "drama llamas." A person who does nothing but cause drama is a "llama farmer." A situation that causes lots of drama is a "llama farm." Doing something that causes drama llamas is "llama farming."

"Don't go near that bitch, all she does is llama farming! Nothing but drama."

by Aidan12066 January 27, 2010

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turret farm

Stupid tactic which WordnewbieWord commanders at the mod WordNatural-SelectionWord use cuase it's so easy.

Alien - Omfg thats like 40 turrets at third hive!
Marine - Stop buildings turrets ffs your gonna crash the server!

by Nomble August 15, 2003

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Farm Team

When an older person subtly flirts with an underage member of the opposite sex to keep he/she interested until the underage person is of age and ready to play in the big leagues.

Example 1:
Rick: "Dude, how did you hook up with John's little sister? She was jail bait two days ago!"

Greyson: "Had her on the farm team for 3 years"

Example 2:
Ted: "Man, why is that fat girl on your farm team?"

Barney: "She just joined the volleyball team, in 4 years she'll probably be skinny"

by Husker56 October 21, 2011

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bought the farm

1.To fail in the most complete way, without understanding how. This originates from the linux error code "EIEIO" which refers to an error which makes no sense, and cannot be repaired.
2.To die

"Jet pilots say that when a jet crashes on a farm the farmer usually sues the government for damages done to his farm by the crash, and the amount demanded is always more than enough to pay off the mortgage and then buy the farm outright. Since this type of crash is nearly always fatal to the pilot, the pilot pays for the farm with his life, and has bought the farm."

With definition 1, the metaphor of buying the farm is often elaborated upon:
*dave makes a big mistake*
jeremy: You just bought the farm.
The minister of agriculture wishes to speak urgently with you.

by the ronnie January 23, 2007

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Arse Farm

1. Gay night club.
2. A large amount of arses in one place.

Woah! It smells like and Arse Farm in here!

Hey bro' - did you see all them Arse Farmers in that Arse Farm?

by Dagzie D. Dawg February 10, 2009

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