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Griefers in GTA Online

A griefer in GTA is really one of the most hated people in Online mode of GTA V, there is almost no benefit (If any) of those virgins that sit all day Grieving cargo, crates and even players that's minding there own business.

"lzzzzzz" "1-0" The most common phrases that adopted Griefers in GTA Online use to piss of players.

by 1Yaso1 January 2, 2022

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Online Window Shopping

the process in which you go to online stores and save pictures of clothing that you want to your picture files.

this process is usually done by people that have no money

Jen: do you want to go shopping

Angelina : Nahh i spent all my money on KFC so ill probably spend my night Online Window Shopping

by illstephen February 3, 2012

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online play anger

its when you are super ultra mother-fucking pissed off at an online game. like call of duty or halo. like when there's nubetubers and ultra omega campers.

me - What the fucking shit fucking fuckitty fuck fuck STOP NUBETUBING U MOTHER FUCKER

Dog - *stares*...(online play anger)


by moshi1010 April 6, 2010

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Elder Scrolls Online

An MMORPG made by Zenimax Online Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks, released on PC on April 4th 2014 and will release on PS4 and Xbox One in 2015.

It is based on the Elder Scrolls franchise, which is most well known for Skyrim, one of the best RPGs of all time. It has many of the same gameplay elements as Skyrim, such as crime, first-person combat, a huge world, and lots of quests to do. While not on the same level as Skyrim or Oblivion, it is definitely one of the best MMOs out at the moment.

The game received mostly positive reviews, and its endgame progression system has received a lot of flak. Thankfully, it's being overhauled soon.

"Hey have you seen Elder Scrolls Online?"
"Yeah I started today, it's so much fun!"
"Wait until you get to level 50. Have fun grinding out Veteran Ranks!"

by neizir December 16, 2014

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Sonic Eclipse Online

Sonic Eclipse Online (Also known as SEO) is an incomplete Roblox fangame that attempts to recreate the gameplay from the Sonic Adventure line of games. As of recent, the game has been getting a lot of backlash for not being worked on fast enough, and the allegations against the development team. (Google "DoctorRofatnik" for more information.)

1: ay bruh that game aint comin out any time soon
2: damn fr? thas that Sonic Eclipse Online type beat yknaa'm sayin
1:no cap

by Rye Lee June 6, 2021

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online acceptance letter

the coldest, most impersonable way to get denied from the college of your dreams. ironically, a few days after you see that those fuckers denied you virtually, you get a letter that denies you all over again.

Boy:Hey, I heard you applied to Dartmouth!
Girl: Yeah I looked up a copy of my online acceptance letter, and I found out they fucking rejected me.

by oh_hawt_dayum December 13, 2008

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Online Cuddle Call

a cuddle call for when you're dating someone online or in a long distance relationship, usually one person asks for a cuddle and the other responds with "*cuddles* " or something similar to that.

Person 1: Hey I need cuddles
Person 2: *cuddles*
Person 2: now tell me what happened?
Person 1: I want to cuddle someone...

Person 2: well you can give jack a Online Cuddle Call!

by Felix_FPVirus July 18, 2015

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