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Political correctness

A phrase that alt-right assholes use when told that they're being an asshole when they call someone a nigger.

Fox news viewer: Those filthy BLM people are a bunch of niggers.

Guy: that's racist

Fox news viewer: I'm so sick of your Political correctness you snowflake.

by Cryinginside July 29, 2020

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political correctness

Paranoid right wing tossers getting paranoid about paranoid left wing tossers.

Political correctness will lead to another holocaust!!!1111111!!!!

by Scuzz April 14, 2006

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politically ignorant

A descriptive term for someone who has no idea what he/she says, thinks, or believes that relates to governmental politics.

Did you see all of those Liberals try to insult Mitt Romney with no factual evidence? They are really politically ignorant!

by A Remaining Patriot October 29, 2012

10๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Political correctness

The opposite of comedy

Political correctness is the opposite of comedy.

by Inquisitive Walnut August 10, 2019

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politics of the bullet

The preferred use of violence or terrorism ("the bullet") over the more commonly used ballot, bribery, or lobbying forms of "influencing" government.

Alternate: Politics of a bullet - The sniper-style assassination of government officials.

The Supreme Court upheld American's right to bear arms. This November, expect the politics of the bullet to decide who takes the White House.

by Man-Machine July 11, 2008

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politely declines

a facebook status to be a smartass. a bitch move. usually followed by a smiley face.

Insert First and Last Name Here politely declines :)

by declining politely April 12, 2009

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Politically Correct

An accusation typically used by right-wing bigots to describe behavior that shows plain, common decency directed towards individuals or groups against whom, in the past, they have felt free to discriminate without repercussions (i.e. gays; women; racial, ethnic, or religious minorities; etc.) but that has more and more in recent years become the socially accepted norm.

"What? You're mad at me for calling her a fat, n****r, dyke, c*nt? Hey, sorry if you were offended! I forgot we all have to be 'politically correct' now!"

by AustinTxGuy April 28, 2015

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