Nickname applied to the author William S. Burroughs. He recieved the title as a result of his self admitted, long term use of opioid agonists, particularly heroin, a regular topic of interest for Burroughs in much of his literature. He became famous in the new york junk scene as a dope addicted icon after works such as Junkie and Naked Lunch were published in 1953 and '59. Junkie was particularly responsible for this reputation as it delved into his very real personal experiences as an opiate addict in New York, detailing everything from his first military issue syrette of morphine in 1945 through years of hustling, junk sickness,nods, legal evasion, and eventual kicking. In Naked lunch, a far more fantastical, fictional book,opiates( notably heroin, morphine, opium,and paregoric) are used by the character William Lee ,a pen name burroughs often used, and are mentioned regularly.
Burroughs' friend James Grauerhaolz: "We're thinking of the difference between alcohol and heroin. Hip people who liked to take dope... score a bag of Dr. Nova... share it with the pope of dope."
Rest well Pope Bill (the first and only)
(1) Having your best friend or significant other coming and making you feel better in an instant.
(2) Someone important to you that's not family making you feel better through text or call because of a mental illness you have.
(3) Someone coming to the rescue right when you need it.
(1) Hey Meg, can you send the pope?
(2) Send the pope please.
(3) I need you to send the pope cause this party blows.
Bright red dress socks made by a tiny shop in Rome, specifically for the pope. Worn by foppish dandies and clergymen everywhere.
"The color of your pope socks are pretty loud."
“The red is sensational, isn’t it? So bright, and yet not a hint of orange.”
the girls at pope prep have been on their knees more times than JPII himself and the boys overabundant ego’s make up for what they are lacking underneath their pants.
i would rather kms then go to that shit ass pope prep school
Paint the pope is when a girl kisses the tip of the penis, with lipstick on.
" my god guys, my Mrs painted the pope last night"
When someone is so terrible at something you don't know what to call them.
Hey pope feh, how'd you miss a wide open goal.