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no patterns on my quarter

Don’t fall into conformity. Rather, forge your own path. Seek adventure, thrill, and challenges. Think outside the box and encourage others to do so as well.

John: “Here’s a quarter, try and get the high score.”
Max: “It doesn’t really matter, the game has a pattern.
John: “You go through life thinking you don’t stand a chance, that you’re just a part of the pattern? No patterns on my quarter. Make your own path. Embrace the challenge.”

by GL Bacchus September 21, 2023


1- First cousin and half-sibling at the same time.
2- Child of mother and of uncle (father's brother) at the same time.
3- Child of father and of aunt (mother's sister) at the same time.


by Jazigurn October 28, 2024


1- Child of mother and of uncle (father's brother) simultaneously.
2- Child of father and of aunt (mother's sister) simultaneously.
3- Cousin and half-sibling simultaneously.


by Chupite November 20, 2024

5 quarters no pennies

Code for dining and dashing

"Hey Anthony... 5 quarters no pennies"

by Elmagueystl32 May 1, 2016

I dont give a quarter of a fuck

When you care about something to the smallest extent and that you just want to get it over with.

Jenna, "Sushi or Burgers"
Max, "I don't care"
Jenna, "Ok we can go to In-N-Out"
Jenna, "Ok then lets go to, Guy Savo"
Max, "Oh shit not there"

by Quarter Fuck March 23, 2021

double quarter sister

When a person is a quarter sister both on the fathers side and also on the mothers side. The result of a wife swap.
1. Adam and Bertha has Edit. Bertha and John has Anna. John and Karen has Evelyn.
Edit and Anna are half sisters on Edits mothers side.
Anna and Evelyn are half sisters.
Edit and Evelyn are quarter sisters on Edits mothers side.
2. If also Adam and Karen has Maria.
Edit and Maria are half sisters on Edits fathers side.
Maria and Evelyn are half sisters.
Edit and Evelyn are also quarter sisters on Edits fathers side.
Hence Edit and Evelyn are double quarter sisters.
And Maria and Anna are also double quarter sisters.

When Edits dad Adam swaped wife with John she got a double quarter sister Evelyn, which she has never met since Edits mom Bertha hates Evelyns mother Karen.

by pappaperake April 18, 2024

Quarter-Dome Patterson

A teacher who can’t make it up half dome but loves to talk about his trip there.

Quarter-dome Patterson is a great teacher!!

by ImaginationRocket January 14, 2021