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Russian Sex Roulette

Like Russian Roulette, but instead of a gun with 1 bullet, you have several potential sexual partners, at least one of whom can give you an STD. Choose wisely.

"That party last night was just one big game of Russian Sex Roulette

by Pquartz February 8, 2018

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

stinky finger roulette

when you put one of your pinky middle or thumb fingers and dip it in your anal Sphincter and a friend must choose one of the fingers to smell

logan casey smelt the stinky finger on his first try in stinky finger roulette

by tiny timmy magee August 4, 2011

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

virgin roulette

Where an certain amount of guys ejaculate into a virgins vagina and see who is the biological father in 9 months

Douche Bag-"Ya I was playing virgin roulette with the bros."

Doctor-"Well it seems here that you are the father."


by SmokierMetal69 March 11, 2012

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Pregnancy roulette

Five guys and one sterile guy all cum in a bucket and ship it off, when they find out who’s child it is, the father wins enough money for 18 years of child support

Yeah Jeramy won the pregnancy roulette, now he’s even more in debt

by I_want_to_die_420 November 19, 2018

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Russian Train Roulette

atleast 7 men run a train on a woman. No one can wear condoms. If she becomes pregant, the biological father must marry the woman and raise the child with her. It is highly recommended the woman gives consent. The loser faces a fate worse than regular russian roulette. Side bets are optional, if gambling is legal in your state.

Real men play russian train roulette.

by Dr. Nancy Drew, PharmDeeznutz January 12, 2011

29πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Toilet Paper Roulette

This happens when everyone in your household is trying to be the one not to change the toilet paper roll. Everyone measures the amount they take according to what's left on the roll.

Aww shit, Arnold left only 1 square left on the toilet paper roll. Looks like I lost this round of Toilet Paper Roulette.

by Tustin April 20, 2011

14πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Liked Song Roulette

When you shuffle your 'liked songs' playlist on Spotify, which includes all of the songs you've ever liked. Chances are there's some pretty cringe shit in there you don't want your friends to hear.

Brody: I played some liked song roulette in the car yesterday with the boys, and now they all know I'm a secret K-pop stan
Tom: Yikes

by drzech August 13, 2022