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Outer Space

The state of being so messed up on drugs/alchohol that you can no longer function without the supervision of a more sober friend.

person 1: What happened last night? I don't remember a thing
person 2: haha, you were in outer space.
person 1: yeah, it feels like it!

by efhj1132 October 2, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Space Engineers

A game that takes place in space, which gets updates weekly on Thursday. You build ships to mine, fight, and explore. You can buy it on steam for 25 dollars. It is a voxel box based game

Dude, let's play Space Engineers!

by OpticData January 18, 2015

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Space Needle

An attraction in downtown Seattle, WA. It's really tall...more than 500 ft, that's all i know so far. You can eat dinner in there, look in the gift shop and more.

I love the Space Needle

by mixedcutie March 8, 2008

34๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Space Jam

To steal or take something from someone else, like in Space Jam when the aliens took the Basketball players' skills and powers.

Dude, that guy totally just Space Jammed my bike!!

by B3player89 December 17, 2008

50๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

space pirates

A race of war-like sentiants in the Metroid games. These creatures are insect like in appearance and about 8 feel tall. They have claw like hands/rifles and sonetimes energy scythes. Some of them can render themselves invisable and they are known to experiment on their own kind to create biological weapons. They have set up base on a number of planets, most notably planet Zebes, Planet Tallon IV, and planet Aether. Their main objectives include destrying Samus, breeding metroids as a weapon, and harnessing the power of the mutagent phazon. They are responsible for orphaning samus when they raided her space colony K2-L when she was a child.

Space pirates are really fraking cool looking, but are sometimes a bitch and a half to kill.

by Jim October 2, 2005

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Space dust

When your partner takes a s*** and does not wipe. Then leaves it for hours and when they're performing oral they turn around and fart and have s*** particles blast straight to your eyes possiblly resulting in pink eye.

Did you guys see Jared today? That mother Fucker got space dusted.

by Vonsegar May 14, 2016

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space jew

A space jew is an oppressed intergalactic race, enslaved by the tyranny from beyond our galaxy. They are typically used to scope out any type of currency with their advanced jew-smell. If they are not used for locating money, they can be found being tortured for fun or at the local bagel shop, only if they have yet to be discovered by the space authorities. However, there is currently an organization, the Space Jew Liberators (or the SJL for short), who is attempting to secretly free any imprisoned or wayward space jews and relocate them to a safe place.

Space Cop #1: Have you seen any space jews lately?
Space Cop #2: No, but you wouldn't believe the number of space muslims I've spotted trying to detonate themselves today.

by The Greener Weiner Cleaner February 22, 2018

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